These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

Following in the wake of a super creative post at Posh Totty, I did a quick version of my scrapbook. Not as elegant for sure, but fun nonetheless. The only item shown that is no longer available is the cropped sweater from Nuclear Boutique (no longer in business). The only item that I paid more than a buck for was my Melange bracelets.

I specifically left out any review items, choosing only to show things I had found, purchased or received as a gift. I often seem to fall hopelessly in love with the latest things I am wearing, so my favorite of the moment changes weekly if not daily. Ah the fickle nature of fashion.
These items are ones I wear when not in photo shoot garb. That isn't often these days. Most are basics. I am deeply attached to the rainbowa because of the part it played in my few minutes of fame. I haven't really worn it since, but still I felt it deserved a spot here.
So this is my scrapbook, not too lengthy but in reality I am a pretty simple gal.