June Bug Hunting

A new hunt is underway at Lemania's. There is a new build and a NEW LANDMARK. With lots to explore you can have a fun time catching those nasty bugs. There are twenty-six June bugs to find. Prizes include traditional dresses, costumes, shoes and even accessories.

Since I'm a pants girl at heart, I'm showing you a couple of fun summer outfits from the hunt. Bright colors rule the day for me, but there are other outfit in calmer tones. Something for everyone is the theme of the hunt.

There are even some accessories included as part of outfits. This fun necklace can jazz up all sorts of outfits and the wireless glasses can come in handy when you want that studious look.
Be patient with the rezzing. You know the drill. Read your email while you wait or get a cup of coffee. Then go forth and explore.
Poses by Glitterati.