Terrorbots on the Loose!

Oh no! The Terrorbots have escaped at DV8. Shifty little things in dark robot gear, they hold some pretty nifty prizes if you can find them and catch them. This is a 20 item dollarbie hunt with a large variety of goods. I've shown a few here with this top photo my favorite picks.
It consists of:
Elektra Cybertail, RivetDreads, Gothjamas, Cyber Bangles, Elektra Cyber Ears and Rivet Kitteh Feet (these come in a size for guys in the same pack).

Biotec face mask not part of the hunt. It is an oldie from FG Underground.
From the notecard:
When we opened the office this evening, we found hundreds of TerrorBots! They had broken into vault where we keep items that were only available for a limited time - and we managed to catch most of them, but 20 of them made it out into the store. They took some goodies with them, and now they're hiding. And if you can find them all before we do - you can score some seriously sweet stuff by distracting them with one linden while you snatch it! They're very mischevous, and very evil though - so don't expect them to make it easy for you. ;)
Poses by LAP and 5ifth Order.