Death of Disco

Disco may be dead, but echos linger on in the long hallways of style. A-Bomb has some new boots out. Fun and retro with giant zebra patterns, they zip up the back -- well natch! Two styles are available, so if you are in the stiletto camp you are also covered. Me? I prefer the chunkier heel. Both styles come in a ton of colors and the brown versions are $25 this week. Getting out on the floor was never so stylish.
Other newness in my disco garb is this morning's group gift from EXXESS called Nostia. It comes in various browns, blacks, blonds and reds and in two head sizes for easier adjustment. It is a perfect retro hair and shows off my tiny new earring studs from Ephemeral Creations. I organized my jewelry folder last week and discovered that I had no small black earrings. But that problem is solved with these cute numbers -- part of the MHOH. So look for that orange male symbol and get your pair.
Another fun accessory is the neck scarf from JB. It was part of a DSN sample box awhile back. I loved it, but had nothing to wear it with -- well nothing new I could show you. So now it has its moment of fame and glory. Lots of cute things at the shop if you haven't been. The black corset top is part of today's free outfit from hO wEAr. By now you should have the "get it by eight tonight" memorized. My tights are from MALT and my cardigan from =NENASHIGUSA NEST= (Wander the Wind).
Poses by LAP.

Amanda's Fashion sent out a summery set on DSN. Aptly named Ready for Summer, it comes with both waist length and long tops as well as some cute ripped shorts. Black with pink dots tops were also included in the sample, but how could I not pair the pink version with the pink stiletto zebra boots from A-Bomb?
Amanda's is a small store on a tasteful sim, and the good news is that this outfit can be purchased from a vendor right inside the front door. There is also a similar capri version. If you are into fishnet, there are some nice looking sets to be had. The fishnet is actually octagon in nature so it has a different look -- and there is white fishnet! And capris! Hmmmm :D Summer possibilities.
I accessorized with some of the JB bangles (DSN) and I was set.
Poses by Pffiou!