Neferia Day

I have so many things in my closet with the Ivalde label, it was difficult to pick a favorite or two. I finally settled on three which I think show a scope of design as well as a passage of time. I'm pretty new on the scene, so my history only goes back so far *wink*, but my first favorite it Miranda. It always reminded me of a sexy teacher or secretary. Long ago and far away when that wasn't the norm, you understand.
The blouse in this set is very versatile as well as stylish. It definitely stands the test of time both in our virtual world and through the decades of RL fashion. I have paired it with more modern garb often and it works every time.
Glasses by Solar Designer Eyewear, Hair by Aden (NLA).

If you have been around awhile, you may recognize this outfit as being from the Black Swan event. It is a lovely vintage piece which never fails to make me feel like a lady. Maybe a bit haunty, but still a lady. The tomboy in me really like the pants version, but we can't live in pants all the time when there are so many lovely dresses around. The details in this are outstanding! Maybe amazing is a better adjective.
Hat by Hatpins, shoes by ::69.

My final choice brings us closer to the present. It was one of the L`Abel grand opening gifts. I love the color and the lightness of being it instills. I couldn't help adding just a bit of retro here with my A-Bomb Ivey platforms. I am thrilled they go so well with this.
I don't know Neferia well, but she has offered both advice and generosity to me over time. One of the first to do so and because of that perhaps the best remembered. Kindness is the best gift someone can give as well as the best legacy. The happiest part of this post is that we may not be saying good-bye. At least for awhile, we have Ivalde and L`Abel with us. And hopefully we will have Neferia back soon.
Poses by LAP.
~ Ketsy