Oscar Trivia Hunting

Isn't this a beautiful necklace set? It can be yours if you have good hunting skills and some movie memories. Something new at The French Farm -- an Oscar trivia hunt.
For the next three days starting at 6 pm SL Monday eve, this prize from Dryad Designs is for you IF you are good enough to find the Oscar Statue and answer the question.
That's really all I know, just being the messenger and all, but if you get stumped on the trivia after finding the statue, you "might" find the answer in the Internet Movie Database. Just in case ya didn't know about that. It's a handy site and I use it now and then to figure out just where I saw so-in-so and in what TV show or film :D.
Good hunting!
From the notecard:
The Hunt For The Oscars --
Not only will this be a treasure hunt but a continuing treasure - trivia hunt until every store on both sims have had an Oscar in the store. At last count that is about 48.
THERE will be 1 Oscar with a movie related trivia question inside placed out every 3 days at 6:00 PM SL time starting this Friday, June 26th.
It is up to you to locate the OSCAR STATUE and answer the MOVIE related trivia question it will ask you to receive the gift.
Sweater from CS Fandango. Pose by Tuli.