Not a Hair Fair Post!

New skin, new necklace, new sweater, new to me hair -- but NOT a hair fair post :D
Since I try to bring you new news, and since most of the bloggers out there are firmly in the Hair Fair 2009 campaign, I'm going to guess that it will be well covered. I'll be working on whittling down my inventory and posting on other subjects. So be sure and catch up on the feeds (links in my sidebar if you need them) to keep abreast of all the new hair news.
Skin shown is a free customer appreciation gift from LeLutka. Find it in the middle of the women's skin department on a table. My necklace is from the lucky board at Mischievous Cat. My hair and sweater are from Maitreya and my pants are from A-Bomb (previously featured).
Pose by flowery.