War Games

Let me preface this post with the comment that I am indeed in the "Make Love - Not War" camp. In fact, somewhere in the deep archives of this blog there is a picture of me in a tee shirt with that logo.
I have finished up the MHOH, my version of finishing anyway. I missed about a quarter of the stores for various reasons. I have some shops and designers to feature. Many are not my style. They may not be your style either, but I am sure that they are someone's fashionable gold ring prize.
The outfit above comes from : : NebuchadNezzar. While not my genre, I am guessing that it is post apocalypse infantry gear.

The details are impressive, the outfit extensive (not all of it is shown here) and it does work OK for gals. According to the notecard, there is a gals version in the shop which might contain somewhat smaller boots. I didn't try downsizing these as I felt they worked OK as is, but they are mod - copy so that might be an option if you are so inclined.
While I am not a fan of violence in any form, I AM a fan of creativity, and this NDN - Industrial Cybergoth Gear definitely fulfills that criteria. So, if this is YOUR comfort zone, journey over and do a bit of hunting. It is a big place so look "far and wide" and that's the only hint you'll get from me :D
Interestingly enough I had bookmarked the sim even before opening the prize. Ingenuity abounds here and it is a fun place to hunt, so take your time and enjoy!