Irresistible Finds

Irresistible has a hunt going on and unlike a lot of the store hunts of late, this one is REALLY free :D. If you are on a limited budget, Irresistible may be the store for you. Not only is the hunt fun and easy, you can also camp for items. This very cute babydoll top and jeans set is an example. I wasn't the only one sitting for fifteen minutes to garner a prize while I cammed for crystal hunt hearts. AND, there are a ton of lucky boards right above the prize camp chairs. I won two more outfits there.
So far that's three ways to get some fun items for free. But wait, there's more -- of course there is. A large display of freebie items is up near the entrance and there is a collection of dollarbies on a mock up stage setting. All in all this is a bargain hunters paradise. Oops, I forgot to mention the skins on the lucky board.
All the free stuff aside, you can actually BUY things here also and some of the items are very cute. There is even a small menswear section and jewelry upstairs.

This perky mini is my favorite hunt item. I didn't find all the prizes although the ones I did find seemed very obvious. Who knows where those low numbered one escaped too?

These super cute sandals were also part of the hunt. For some reason they are very appealing to me :D. Maybe its the porcupine platforms. Who knows? Anyway, these are great summer sandals and I bet you have a bikini they will go with somewhere.

The necklace I paired with my new found goods is a beautifully made set from M!ne. Delicate but still a statement maker, the set includes earrings, necklace and bracelet as well as a belly ring and finger ring (not shown). The pieces come with resize scripts but fit me perfectly without adjustments (yeah!). Venture over if you are in the market for some dressy accoutrement's for you latest outfits.
Poses by Vain and Mela.