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Wikipedia defines Nostalgia as a sentimental longing for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations. Looking back and looking forward give us a sense of where we are. 

If you follow this blog, you know that lassitude & ennui's Wanderlust boots have been my go-to boots since their arrival on the scene. Now, for those of you who love girlie, there are Nostalgia Boots.  

Same boots but with a pretty rose pattern, they come in a wide variety of muted colors as well as white. The notecard accompanying this release mentions that the Wanderlust boots are now available for guys. Perfect for Steampunk. And that's my segue to mention the Joy of Steampunk Museum in the background. Photo ops abound!

Many of you recognize my Matusalen coat from Lelutka. Almost two years old, it still takes a great photo. The pants came with the set which was a Halloween gift for guys if you were were fast enough to get it *wink*. Ah the adventures. Nostalgia.

This is the new Celine hair from Amacci at Hair Fair. I showed it to you before, but here you can see it as part of a styling. Definitely a great short hair with a completely believable look.

Poses by: aDORKable


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