Chiasuki Skin and Tats Hunt

Chiasuki has an egg hunt on for a few days. 20 eggs filled with skins and tats. An impressive building with big eggs, be sure to look outside as well as the upper reaches. Eggs are $0 so this is indeed a gift hunt. Thanks to this post for alerting me :D

Some skins are novelty ones and I especially like this version featuring chocolate. Nice if you have a significant other :D The skins come in different skin tones. I mostly found the sunkissed shade.

Many eggs are right out there. Big and bright and especially easy to find at night. I found many and didn't look that much. A few eggs (at least I found one and noted it was trickier than some others so that might be a key) have plain skins like the one above and they are the brand new Johanna skins. I'm guessing there are three other harder to find eggs with the other tones. No promises though (wink).

There are plenty of tattoos to be found also. Placements range from upper back and arms, just arms, lower back, back and front and this lower body one which has matching "panties" of a sort in the front. I suspect about half of the eggs have tattoos, but of course I didn't find them all.
Poses by LAP, hair by Amacci, shoes by Ash's Trash, undies by Insolence.