AnnaH Hunt
To celebrate the opening of the new store in George 5, Anna H is having a hunt. This is an easy hunt (yeah). You are looking for smallish boxes with her logo on them. Sometimes they look more like signs since part of them are inside the wall :D. The boxes contain both poses and clothes. I found 11 boxes all numbered in sequential order. There could be more of course.
Here is a sampling of what I found. Be sure and check the alley as it is lots of fun. I'll be doing photo shoots there from time to time I bet. The duration of the hunt is up in the air at the moment but at least through the weekend. Be sure and check out the poses upstairs while you are there.
Have fun!

Bottom two poses by ANA_MATIONS. Hair by Diversity.
Here is a sampling of what I found. Be sure and check the alley as it is lots of fun. I'll be doing photo shoots there from time to time I bet. The duration of the hunt is up in the air at the moment but at least through the weekend. Be sure and check out the poses upstairs while you are there.
Have fun!

Bottom two poses by ANA_MATIONS. Hair by Diversity.