Journey and Sn@tch

It's Friday eve and that often means great gifts. Tonight is no different. Prism Haute Couture Clothing has TWO outfits for you for a very limited time (that means get yourself down there). The outfit comes in both red and gray versions with a selection of pants lengths. The latex catsuit seems to be designed for boots and you can certainly see why. Shown here with Sh*t Kicker Boots from Dark Mouse, Bar Code necklace from Magika and Daphne hair (brand new) from House of Heart.

Edit: It was late and I forgot that not ALL of you know there is usually an "on the wall" hunt each week at Sn@tch. This week Ivey gave her group members a picture and a name, hence I posted the name here :D. Look for the outfit on the wall of the Sn@tch main store. It is logically not in separates or mens so that narrows it down. Happy hunting.