Bliss Couture
It looks like it may be a tough day at Phil's Place. I've crashed twice (VERY unusual) and watched friends log on and immediately off several times. So have to assume I am not alone. Alas! Rather than wait for something to go along with this item from yesterday, I give you:

Bliss Couture sent out this off the wall dress to the Ewing Events VIP Guest List. The dress features sequin trim with fur trimmed gloves. If you are not a formals gal, you could wear the glitch pants as leggings with boots and a fancy belt. The Ewing VIP group is open to the public and has weekly novice runway contests as well as full production runway shows. You will need to IM the owner of the group if you want to join.
Hair is Krasa - coffee bean by House of Heart, Poses by LAP.