Virtually Exhausted

Well DUH! It wasn't until I tried to photograph a gorgeous new skin (coming up later) that I realized I had LOST Windlight and the ability to change lighting direction etc. etc. Oh my.
SO, that means the pictures from Hair Fair Part 1 and 2 are NOT as good as usual. So figure the hair looks even better. Actually I think I was paying so much attention to the hair that I wasn't looking at the shadows on my face -- bad, BAD photographer -LOL.
ANYWAY ---- Two more sans Windlight photos to show you but I assume you will forgive me. It is back now although there are OTHER issues (aren't there always?).

So I got this super cute curler hair at House of Heart last week (not free). I just love it and I guess I better take a good close up with WINDLIGHT so you can really see it (wink). The clothes however are part of a four color set of jammies from the SYD - Layniewear booth at the hair fair. It also comes in a gold, an orange and a blue. Very cute and perfect for lounging around. There is a big pile of dollarbies at the booth and I only bought this in hopes it would work with my new hair. And it does. Kewl!

This is Joy in mahogany from House of Heart, another color of the jammies from SYD (hair fair) and a pose by ANA_MATIONS. YEAH Windlight. Glad to have you back.