OK. It was MY fault -- but I don't want it to happen to YOU!
There is an event going on at the Hotel Swan where the swans are suppose to emit feathers and you get free gifts. So we are all standing around and particles are coming down an we think they are feathers but they haven't rezzed and I am busy clicking trying to get one (sort of like the butterfly hunt for jewelry awhile ago if you remember that). Anyway, since we are in a small area I guess I clicked on a VENDOR in a shop far away instead of a feather. VERY VERY EASY TO DO so be careful.
I wrote to the designer and she was nice enough to let me return the items and gave me a refund. BUT if you click on something that is no transfer, and in the excitement buy it, you might end up living with something you never planned to.
Anyway, if you go, PLEASE be careful.