Hair Fair: Orange 'n Red Part1
So I avoided the Hair Fair at the beginning. Not that I didn't want to go, simply because I didn't want to swim through the jello. So up very early here in my world, I ventured over -- sans many prims mind you -- and enjoyed a very sparsely populated dessert. Yeah! So NOW is the time to go if you haven't been.
There have been lots of post on hair fair freebies, but there are so many (thank you designers) that I am sure some were missed. At least "I" missed them. So I am going to give you yet another brief tour including some things that AREN'T hair. All gifts were either free or $1. And Teagan has graciously made a LIST of the hair fair booths so you can find any you are interested in easily.
Remember you can BUY things there and part of the money goes to charity :D
This is only a sampling of the Red and Orange sims and I know even that will need to be in two or more parts. Here's the pics:

It was pointed out to me be Madeleine that there is no Hairspray in the hair fair list. I believe the hair above must have come from Mirada. It seems like they own the Hairspray sim? Anyway if you love this, try the Mirada slurl on the list. Good luck. Sorry.

Curio actually has a hair pack with a variety of styles each in one color (some bright hues). The necklace in two sizes is included in their gift.
There have been lots of post on hair fair freebies, but there are so many (thank you designers) that I am sure some were missed. At least "I" missed them. So I am going to give you yet another brief tour including some things that AREN'T hair. All gifts were either free or $1. And Teagan has graciously made a LIST of the hair fair booths so you can find any you are interested in easily.
Remember you can BUY things there and part of the money goes to charity :D
This is only a sampling of the Red and Orange sims and I know even that will need to be in two or more parts. Here's the pics:

It was pointed out to me be Madeleine that there is no Hairspray in the hair fair list. I believe the hair above must have come from Mirada. It seems like they own the Hairspray sim? Anyway if you love this, try the Mirada slurl on the list. Good luck. Sorry.

Curio actually has a hair pack with a variety of styles each in one color (some bright hues). The necklace in two sizes is included in their gift.