Workin' It Saturday
Lots to catch you up on today. Here are some "news bites".

Dark Mouse had a problem with the SubscribeOMatic so the August gift is for ALL OF US! Yeah! Find it on the table in Taber. It is also available at the Trash and Treasures location in Bricolage.

And speaking of Bricolage and the hunt there -- Haedon Quine was nice enough to send me HER Treasure from the hunt. I confess I looked and could not discover it. Woe was me. She said she was thinking about making it easier to find -- though I admit I am not the best of hunter. I bet some of you already found it. Anyway, here it is. A HUGGGGGGGE Fat Pack of a Tousled updo called Bobby. The color shown is brunette. Have fun looking!

JUICY Details has a nice gift box in the middle of their shop. It is filled with this outfit in THREE colors. Each set has a matching necklace. Hair is Callie in coffee bean by House of Heart, Shoes by Juicy, Pose by Last Stand.

Dark Mouse had a problem with the SubscribeOMatic so the August gift is for ALL OF US! Yeah! Find it on the table in Taber. It is also available at the Trash and Treasures location in Bricolage.

And speaking of Bricolage and the hunt there -- Haedon Quine was nice enough to send me HER Treasure from the hunt. I confess I looked and could not discover it. Woe was me. She said she was thinking about making it easier to find -- though I admit I am not the best of hunter. I bet some of you already found it. Anyway, here it is. A HUGGGGGGGE Fat Pack of a Tousled updo called Bobby. The color shown is brunette. Have fun looking!

JUICY Details has a nice gift box in the middle of their shop. It is filled with this outfit in THREE colors. Each set has a matching necklace. Hair is Callie in coffee bean by House of Heart, Shoes by Juicy, Pose by Last Stand.