Just a Buck -- Or Less!

Alpha Male has a new shop and an on the wall hunt for two items. Wonder reports that the shop is very nice but also VERY small. Hence your search should be short. The items are one linden. Shown here are the jeans. There is also an "accessory". I wouldn't want you to forgo the excitement of the hunt :D. I suspect that these would also work for gals if you needed some gray faded jeans with a built in texture belt. Shown with a Mechanism Group gift shirt, Sandals from Shoes Simply Shoes, Necklace from Simply Spoiled and Shades from Digital Dragon. Wonder reported that he ended up on a rooftop of another store when he TPed in. Hopefully that won't happen to you.

Looking for some color in your life? Well these tights from *Petit Ange* might fit the bill. You can wear them as socks or add undies to make them tights. Find them on the wall of the shop in a small vendor.

Necklace by Wrong, Shoes by Juicy, Hair is Allie in Irish red by House of Heart, Poses by LAP.