Daisy Hunt

There's a new hunt going on at BOTH HOH and Bewitched Hair sims. Some of the renters have joined in so there are lots of things to look for. I did a cursory tour of both sims and picked up some nice hair (we can always use more hair) as well as a lovely necklace from Tuli and some poses from Dove (LAP - One is shown here).
You are looking for daisys which can be LARGE but the ones I found are mostly daisy size. You can see them with camera controls but flying low (you can't actually walk right now - LOL) and pausing now and then would be a good plan. Not all the vendors are taking part and some of the flowers are outside or in OTHER stores than the gift giver's (yes, really). Many are 0 Linden and some are $1. I didn't buy any $1 linden daisies simply because I didn't need anything and just wanted to report.
There are some funny things and great things and lots of places to explore. So have some fun and venture out. And there are things for the guys too!

Shown here are some of my favorites including a tank from Rare Breed (logowear but cute), a lovely necklace from Tuli (in her shop and easy to find) and one of the many hairs I found - Victoria in Irish Red. Shown with LaynieWear capris.
The new release hairs are out at HOH if you venture out tonight. I will post them in the morn. YAWN!