I saw a notice on the feed that the new club SEVEN was dispensing with its cover charge tonight AND that it had a lot of good photo ops. So I got dressed up in my Crimson Shadow mini and took a tour of the much hyped (not a bad thing) music venue.

There are indeed many great photo opportunities. The chairs are multipose with menus (how nice) and there are "naughty" pose balls sprinkled throughout the streets. Not having a partner to photograph with, I skipped those area (wink). Just turn on Transparency to see the balls. There are tiny floating Ms and Fs around and now and then a real pose ball or two.

The shops are all photorealistic with the window textures from real life shops somewhere. This gives the area a very empty city street feel -- at least when I was there early and one of the few people on the sim :D

There are waiting areas and lounge areas and DJ club areas and a central stage. Since I couldn't use my map function without crashing (the new server update and I are NOT doing well together) I just wandered and eventually found some folks setting up the show.

The bar is impressive and very realistic. There are many people sized chairs to lounge in and I bet they too have menu animations (I so like that). It may LOOK like I am chatting up the bar tender but in effect, I am busily typing into my Blogger window so that YOU too can see this and maybe hurry down if you want to enjoy the show.
Since I don't have sound turned on it won't do me much good to stay and I will probably crash anyway (sigh). The land pass here is $165 and you can also purchase a VIP pass (no idea how much that is sorry). Since I have exactly $321 in my Linden account, I won't be coming back here. BUT I was VERY happy to get it see it all.
If this is a place for YOU, then get down here!

The show will be starting soon! You can read more about the lounge at their blog: