Free Syle Hunt

As most of you know there is a hunt going on at the Free Style sim with Free Spirit giving away skins and many of the other stores giving away items as well. Most that I found were $0. There are some that are $1 and I simply didn't buy any of those since my main purpose was to get the flavor of the hunt and inform you, not accumulate MORE stuff.
But in my wanderings and before it got too laggy, I journeyed into Mudhoney Designs which is primarily a furniture store. Now I know that most of you read my blog for the fashion and such but I wanted to give credit to some great generosity from Rayvn Hynes. There are two hunt items here. One has a complete furniture set including coffee table an large sofa with many poses. This chair has a nice animation and I love the ceiling fan and bamboo accessories. The other is the large (very large) water wall behind me.
I won a cute romantic hideaway at the Mia Sofia chair the other day when taking photos and this goes perfectly. Now I just need a spot to put it all. I'll be thinking on that - LOL.

The hair above is from Sweeter Than Candy and the skin shown is one of five (I found 3) skin tones -- a medium version from Free Speerit.
Bikini shown is NOT from the hunt. It is from Sn@tch. There may BE a great bikini there; I just didn't stick around to find it (wink).