Caithlin Carter Designs

Caithlin Carter Designs sent out a gift to all Fashion Consolidated member recently. I found it in my Objects folder this morning and was pleased to see how intricate the items were. They are also scripted. They are also copy - transfer. Now that took me aback a bit so I wrote to the designer to see if indeed that was her intention. And, it was!
So I wanted to show you a bit of the set which apparently can be made any color, with and without bling (default appears to be without) etc. A note card with lengthy instructions is included. I am happy with diamonds (wink).

And if you missed the free gift, just ask a friend that belongs to Fashcon (not in the group chat guys) and perhaps you can get a copy of theirs. MEANWHILE, take a look at the store. There are a host of lucky chairs there and I won the set above which is very nice.
Hairs by House of Heart and NEW EYELASHES came with a $1 skin special today at Piece of Candy's new skin shop. I feel so glamorous!