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Getting Girlie

Lots and lots of newness in just one shot. Here's the scoop.

Very cute new hair from Amacci, Thea has a neat little low ponytail in back. It is gently whispy and very "real" looking. We like real looking!  I went with the Graphite color as a thematic counterpoint to my schoolgirl outfit from PARADISIS. Top, skirt, socks, panties and gloves (not shown) are all in one very special priced set. Look for Marie.

My Ducknipple Seabird Wedges are color change by hud (well of course they are) and perfect for running from all the boys.

The chair in the background is one of four Trompe Loeil grayscale releases for The Neighborhood. Apparently (I did some research) these have already come and gone with me not finding them until Sunday, alas. Note to self to find and sign up for The Neighborhood subscribo.

Later note: Lots of looking and visits to shops that participate in "The Neighborhood" have still left me sans info. If anyone knows the webpage or where a subscribo is actually located *wink*, please IM me or leave a note on this post. Thanks.

Later note: a reader sent me an IM with the group to join for anyone interested.

Skin: Akeruka Manuela Tan MK4

Poses by: aDORKable


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