Inventory Meme
- What is your current inventory number? – 31,161
- If you had to delete your whole inventory and could only keep one thing, what would it be? –(No Berry, a hair folder doesn't count! ) I have had at least five major inventory losses and most likely some that I don't know about. If I had to delete all but one item, I honestly think I would just delete it all and have a VERY clean slate. It is devastating, but we move on (or some folks quit - that too).
- What is the last thing you purchased? – Mayfly - Deep Sky Mesh Eyes - deepest purple shadow
- Which item do you wear most often? – My Amacci ~ Eyelashes "Allure" - Black closely followed by ! Laville ! Mesh Nails - Autumn (a hunt prize or I would buy more colors)
- When you search for the word penis, how many items pop up? (NO LYING!) – ZERO but since I "... didn't find what I was looking for, I can try Search" and get myself one.
Full post on my outfit coming tomorrow. Here's the credits.
*Ducknipple Mesh: Droll Skirt (new)
*Ducknipple Mesh: Opelia Gloves (new)
*Ducknipple Mesh: Spiked Heels (new)
A fitting pose from Juxtapose - Motavation 7