
I'm about ready to head out for another round of hunting and gathering, but I wanted to alert you to some new, almost new and not so new items! First up is a very nice dollarbie (pay what you want) smoking AO from Free*Style Evil Lair. The cigarette comes separately and versions for both hand and mouth are included. This is one of the nicest free ciggies I have tried and the smoke is unobtrusive. Yeah! I don't smoke in RL, but enjoy it from time to time, and even if this is only used for photo shoots, it is a great find.

click for larger photos
My outfit for the day includes a great new free cardigan from !Ohmai. I saw an announcement about the new store and cardi the other morning on the feed, then search endlessly (well almost) for it later that eve. Apparently it had gone off the end of the list, so many thanks to Dahlindah for blogging it this morn. There are other freebies at the store too, and lots of bright versions of cute basics.
The very pretty flowered and trimmed tank is from *elymode* at Crush Row. You'll need to follow your beam to get there. The shop is down the street on the left at a corner. Lots of colorful separates line the walls. The detailing on this is very nice with the trim in a multicolor print of the same hues as the top.
It should be noted that all these items come from fellow bloggers. Woot! Not everyone has given up making fashion to blog fashion. This is good.
My shoes are the Caroline color change strapped wedgies from sf design I blogged at the beginning of the month. If you haven't picked them up yet, you have until the end of the month. My oh-I'm-so-glad-they-match capris are Get Fresh Green from Pout.

I was wearing these lovely earrings yesterday in a feature but didn't mention them. Still wearing and happily still matching, they are ~*Dryad Designs*~ African Queen earrings. So lovely.
non AO poses by [flowery] and LAP.