Waving Heart

Read all about it! Musashi-Do has released two new cocktail dress sets for the Prêt-à-porter Black Label collection. Waving Heart is my favorite. Both sets comes in a variety of colors, but as you might suspect, I chose the accented neutral palette with shades of gray and lipstick red. Wow!
From the notecard:
Sporting 100% hand-painted textures, fruit of an extensive study of style, pattern and color trends for the upcoming seasons, the two new sets mark the beginning of a path that aims to bring more stylish patterned clothes to Second Life, filling a gap created by the technical difficulties of matching the seams when complex patterns are involved.
Being a details gal, I was very interested to see how close reality came to intent. And it is VERY near. Even on picky inspection it is difficult to see where a top layer joins the pants. And the visible difference are a SL(R) issue from what I have read and not related at all to the skills of the designer. Anyone who has ever tried to match patterns across layers in dress design knows how frustrating and tedious it can be -- hence the preponderance of solid colored garments. So a big thumbs up on making it work! Imagine not needing a belt to cover up those unmatched lines. Whew!
The skirt prims are mod but since these items are transfer they are not copy. I suggest staying away from the texture repeats and the like as aiming toward perfect pattern matching (I was so impressed with the top section I reached beyond my skill level) got me into trouble. Just adjust as you normally would.
I went with simple, clean lined accessories to show off the print of the dress. These included a scarf from Kar'Ona Couture, shoes from Tesla, and shades from Doux Petit Dahl.
My animated newspaper is from ANA_mations (see post here).

For those of you that don't know about this dress, it is one of two free gifts at Musashi-Do. This white version is in the SOM and its sister with colors reversed is in a giant freebie vendor at the front door. There are two gifts for men also; they include logo tees and black slacks.
Pose by Striking Poses.