::69::'s Hair Release

It was so much fun to watch the ladies trying on different styles and buying in abandon. This is a great release for sure. Strawberry looked so lovely (well let's face it - she'd look good BALD) that I asked her if I could use a photo of her in my blog. And she was thrilled and I was thrilled :D

She sent me to her photo stream and I got this shot she took of on of the "model" hair releases. Talk about sexy! Woot.

This is Cocomitsu in the other model style. The hairs come in a very nice package of hair textures with five colors in a pack for $200. The two MODEL versions are $200 a color.

I couldn't find anyone trying on this style although "I" love it. The back is particularly cute, hence you get me in a demo. So take a look at a one of my favorite shops and some outstanding new hair. I am sure you will see it ALL over the streams and feeds and vendor ads soon.
PS here. I printed the top photo as it was so cute, but the girl disappeared before I could ask her permission. If you know her -- or ARE her -- I hope that is OK.