Yamashita Hair and Neneko

I read about a possible hair place (thanks Syler) and journeyed over to Yamashita to take a look. There is indeed some great free hair here -- including the men's which is SO girl friendly (wink).

There are three styles in all in various colors. While there are blond versions, I personally wasn't happy with those textures. The darker ones, however, are fantastic. These are from Uncleweb Studio, a tiny little hole in the wall place in the dark and grungy streets of Japan.

Yamashita is an interesting place to explore at night and I found some other great values including this Halloween neneko for your shoulder ($1 at Rapis not far away).
The BIG main store of Uncleweb is here. Lots of styles to choose from in a giant amphitheater type building.
Sweater by Nuclear Boutique (not currently available). Pose by Tuli.