Sari's Hunt: Woot!

Sari's is having a hunt. And it fits ALL my criteria for a great one. Lovely gifts, easy enough to find prizes and a fun setting. I didn't stay to find ALL the balls of yarn (note one in the elephants trunk), but it didn't take me long to see this was a great event to blog. Not only are the balls of yarn you are looking for colorful -- the WHOLE PLACE IS! Color, color everywhere you turn. Things to see, patterns to marvel over.

There are full outfits as well as tops and pants that sort of just go together (wink). There are tattoos and bindis -- 17 balls of yarn in all. This is a smallish enclave so you don't have to fly anywhere to find things. Lots of folks found ALL the items, so with some persistence you could too I bet.

From the notecard:
Help! Oh please wont someone help a seamstress in distress?Shown with Allie in mahogany hair from House of Heart and those great color change anklets from a few days ago (scroll back through the posts a bit if you missed them). They are perfect for these outfits.
I bought seventeen sweet balls of yarn, to get started knitting things for the colder months ahead... But my naughty store turtle Pladdan got into the basket and rolled them all over the store! Can you help me find them? Just buy them for 0 L when you do and there will be a gift attached to each!
There is also a grand opening gift on a sign and of course lots of wonderful, colorful things to buy!
The hunt is on "until her next notice" which according to Fashcon rules is about a week :D