Storybook Hair

You can get the charcoal version of Fairytale (above) in the release pack at Bewitched Hair.

Miranda is another romantic style but a bit more modern and sans bow. It works fine for young styles too, but could easily adapt to other fun looks. This is Miranda in mahogany.

You can get the Sunny color (above) in the release pack at Bewitched Hair. Just look for the poster on a stand.
A note here about the Miranda style. The HOH version is very curly while the Bewitched version is more in the lion's mane style. So, if you are attracted to Miranda I suggest you try out the style at both stores to see which suits you better. This is the first time I have noticed a major difference, but it easily could have slid past me. I am assuming it has something to do with the different textures used as HOH uses textures made for its own store. I will check on that and report :D
If you missed my earlier post or are new to House of Heart and Bewitched designs, there are free release packs available at both shops. This changes whenever new hairs are added. HOH is usually first and Bewitched unveils its release packs later. It is a wonderful way to see how you feel in the different styles before purchasing. Those demo hairs with boxes wagging over us and such don't actually give the best feel for living with a style :D.