This 'n That Sunday

CHAI sent out a fun mime skin to her group just now. You are invited to pick it up by joining the SubscribeOmatic and getting it from the archives. It comes in a variety of skin tons so one should be right for you.
KIWI sent this cute cropped zippered jacket with a skull graphic on the back out to ALL of Fashcon so if you missed it -- you know the drill. Look in the archives. It will have a box in the attachment field.
Pants by Convoitise (hunt still in progress), Wild Woman hair from the Mia Sofia lucky chair, Pose by Last Stand.

This necklace and earring set was also in the gift from KIWI. Thanks so much. Hair is Margo in mahogany from House of Heart.

Royal Designs has a cute new babydoll dress with capris and bows in its camp chair. 30 minutes gets you this dress. It is upstairs by the lucky chairs. This shot was taken at Samara Studios using the new pose stands and backdrops which are pretty slick. You just cycle through the poses like you were buying them. AND they appear to have all the animator's and pose names so if you find one you love you can go buy it. Double duty. Yeah!.
Hair is Baby in mahogany by House of Heart, Shoes by Juicy.