Boots - Kewl 'n Free
When I was hanging out at a lucky chair party the other day the conversation turned to the difficulty of getting free boots. Well there are two new options on the horizon.
Dark Mouse has always had boots in their lucky chair. I got my brown Sh*tkickers there. Well this morning ALL the boots are in the chair including BLACK BUCKLE BOOTS. Woot! These are the same as the brown and the red that I have blogged before, but we all know that black is beautiful and goes with so much.

Alas the feet above are not mine but a friends (insert sad face for me - happy face for her). I have been saying I needed black boots and I'll be checking the chair often or hanging out if a crowd appears. I'm not sure how many styles of boots are in there now. I saw a few including equestrian boots (tall with ties) and some low shoe like boots. You can see all the boots on the wall of course and if you find a style you like and don't want to hang around or keep checking there is always BUYING which I just might do (wink).
AND while you are there, check out the free and dollarbie gifts. There is a new box with all the older gifts rolled up in one box including the great chairs (many prims) and a prefab (haven't looked at that yet) plus all the past jewelry items. Its over by the couch.

Update: I just won the brown riding boots. Now everyone hold that BLACK thought :D

If plainer boots are more your style -- or you simply can't have ENOUGH boots -- you can camp for 10 minutes for either charcoal or brown boots in Kumamoto Japan.
These are GREAT BOOTS and come in both medium (shown here) and large. You do a little skippy happy dance while camping (smile).
Dark Mouse has always had boots in their lucky chair. I got my brown Sh*tkickers there. Well this morning ALL the boots are in the chair including BLACK BUCKLE BOOTS. Woot! These are the same as the brown and the red that I have blogged before, but we all know that black is beautiful and goes with so much.

Alas the feet above are not mine but a friends (insert sad face for me - happy face for her). I have been saying I needed black boots and I'll be checking the chair often or hanging out if a crowd appears. I'm not sure how many styles of boots are in there now. I saw a few including equestrian boots (tall with ties) and some low shoe like boots. You can see all the boots on the wall of course and if you find a style you like and don't want to hang around or keep checking there is always BUYING which I just might do (wink).
AND while you are there, check out the free and dollarbie gifts. There is a new box with all the older gifts rolled up in one box including the great chairs (many prims) and a prefab (haven't looked at that yet) plus all the past jewelry items. Its over by the couch.

Update: I just won the brown riding boots. Now everyone hold that BLACK thought :D

If plainer boots are more your style -- or you simply can't have ENOUGH boots -- you can camp for 10 minutes for either charcoal or brown boots in Kumamoto Japan.
