
It's early morning in the city. Even the cab drivers have returned to their rumpled beds. Some kissed their sleeping children before falling exhausted into the sweet oblivion of sleep. My heels click on the dewy pavement as the light breaks through, waking the buildings with its soft caress. Once more, I'm walking myself home.

Crossroads come when we least expect them -- when we least want them. Beckoning in one direction, pushing in another -- they change our course even when we've forgotten to look both ways before crossing the street.
Fashion notes:
Top photo:
Aldina dress in black from Clothes Horse
Twisted and Spoiled Armour Jewelry in brass, [LeLutka]-SACK bag/goldenrod_AO, *Sheer* Tights Zebra Black, Juicy Slingback Pumps in peppercorn.
Bottom photo:
Sofia coat outfit (includes pants and top) from Clothes Horse (note: this is also a great short jacket sans the skirt prims.)
Juicy Slingback Pumps in peppercorn.
Hair by Tiny Bird. Poses by LAP.