Light and Dark

[AV] VLODOVIC has a lovely new dollabie gift out for the week called Fantasy. Somewhere in the sexy fairy princess vein, it has fine lace-like details that are both feminine and adult. It speaks of Springtime and promises. Find it prominently displayed on the wall. Stockings by Slow Kitchen.

This lovely necklace and earring set came from (an admirer as I don't want to break the "rules" ) as an early Blogger Appreciation gift. How thoughtful. Many thanks. It goes beautifully with this new silver dress.

At the other end of the spectrum, we have a darkly menacing outfit with great detail including mouth scarf and boots. It's from hO wEAR and is free until 8 pm SL time. This tip comes from Sayariel. Many thanks. Everything I am wearing except hair is in the pack. Even glasses. Woot!
And yes, I know the picture is dark. All for the love of drama (wink). Go get your own and see what kind of phantom you can be! You'll find a huge vendor in the middle of the store.
Poses by Vain and Torridwear. Hair by Bewitched.