Give me an H

I'm kind of a casual gal. I don't do "Haute!" often. Merriam-Webster defines the word as high-class or fashionable, but I think most of us use it to describe fashion that we would see on Paris or Milan runways. Whatever vision the word inspires in you, it is usually "original" :D This
Fiore di perla design from Baiastice fits the bill for me. The strong lines are balanced by the soft feel of the fabric. The hand painted "landscape" ads an earthy touch and the scarf of the waist wrap flows beautifully in the breeze.

This is simply -- gorgeous. I put it on last night and I like it more and more each minute. I added the necklace and bracelet from the Autumn set from :: Genesis ::. (now :: Exodi :: ) I couldn't have asked for better accessories. My clogs are from ::Duh!:: and my hair is a from Bryce ( Boarder - Ginger Reds - Penny).
It really will be difficult changing out of this.
Poses by Torridwear and Vain.
The prices and selection at Baiastice cover an extremely wide range. You could shop for days. There is a freebie area upstairs which holds some unique and fun items including the famous Grandmother Closet which was a huge hit, but could easily have been before your birth (wink). There is also a pre-retire shop with discounted items directly across the mall from the main store. So venture over and look around.