Hot Properties: Evie's eLDee, Eden

This was NOT a morning to sleep in as so much happened in the night :D Here's the scoop.
Most likely the biggest news of the night time hours is that Evie's Closet now has a lucky cupcake filled with goodies. My blue fairytale dress is the most coveted prize, Benicia's nightie is also a much sought after present. You can try your luck once every five minutes and since there was a big crowd there this morning -- and likely to get bigger -- the trickiest part of the process is simply getting your turn :D There are some nice T shirts (one for guys even) as well as a mouth cupcake on a spoon. So if you win a "mini" cupcake. Don't toss it!
Xia -- in the middle -- is wearing an adorable dress from elDee at Polly Jean. Find it along with versions in blue and black hanging on a line. So cute on Xia. She hasn't let go of her Neko Prince. You can still get yours on the lucky boards at Belle Belle. Purchasing also works and there is now a click for landmark box near the lucky boards so you can find where to buy.

A soon to be watch and stalk for sure, Dark Eden has two new ten minute lucky chairs filled with goodies. I was there very early and it was just me and an "M", but by TPing in friends we did pretty well. I won some ocular implants, and Benicia won a set of Fairy in a Bottle goodies which included earrings as well as a fairy in a bottle to keep on a shelf (how saaaaad).

The implants come in a variety of colors. Me like! There are boots and some cool looking shoes, a cropped tank and who knows what else. So get over there and join the party. I'll be hanging out there a bit for awhile I suspect.
My hair by HOH and pose by LAP.