Bytterwynds II : Dawn to Dusk

I found this quaint Celtic Village when I was house hunting last month. Aside from being mostly rented, it was beyond my less than bottomless pocketbook. Still, and even more exciting to someone who simply loves taking photos of lovely clothes in matching settings, it was a FIND. I've been hoarding it away -- as photographers sometimes do -- waiting for the perfect outfit. And today it is here.
This is Bytterwynds II in tan from RFyre.

The 20 piece set has so many ways to wear it, it would take many blog posts to show them all. Chasing my artistic chimera, I decided to try and catch a few moods in a throughout the day time frame in my quaint village.

Whether your mood is prim and proper one minute, a fiery temptress the next and a vagabond wanderer a few hours later, there is a way to express yourself with this set. Also available in green and black versions, guys won't be left out as there is a pack for them too.
His and hers anyone?
Hair by Tiny Bird, Skin by Clover, Villager boots by Angry Monkey. Poses by LAP and Tuli.