Phoenix - Firefall - Free

**Phoenix Design**and**FireFall** have new items in their lucky chairs. Hence, you guessed it, a watch has been on for the last couple of days. Benicia has been the lucky one of our group winning all the items I have been lusting over AND a new one. Those "B"s just kept on a comin' I guess. Good for her. My friends know the drill and so Benicia was waiting for me this morning at the teahouse to take some photos. This is the Darkside set. The belt is fantastic as you can see. And the good news is that it is small. Benicia isn't big at all and she had to enlarge it. So no worries about having a huge belt. It fits her perfectly. Two armbands come with the set as well as earrings. She's wearing them beneath her Maitreya hair. The Marquise Dress is also in the chair now. She detached the skirt so you could see her new adornments better. I have her trained well *wink*.

She also won the boots and the elusive equestrian belt. I told you the chairs were smiling on her. She is wearing part of the Robin outfit no longer in the chairs. The Marquis dress is the only clothing item in the prize list at the moment. There are plenty of other accessories though as well as the skins and necklaces that have been there awhile. The guys aren't left out either; both accessories and boots are waiting for them to claim. The prizes are posted around the four chairs which are in the middle of the store. You won't have any trouble finding them. Just look for the green dots. Depriming is a GOOD thing, or at least lowish prims. It can get laggy and we don't want those chairs confused.
Pose by Glitterati.

The detail on all these designs is superb of course. That's why the fan club is stalking so heartily. I heard one gal say she had been there three hours. I just drop in and watch while I read Fashcon notices and peruse the feed. And, sometimes I get lucky.

Wonder garnered the Fighter Belt to find that it contains three sizes and is transfer. Wonder, a big guy by my estimation, wears the medium so even the big boys can enjoy this without too many alterations. A unisex gift to share. Yeah!