Prim and Pixel Revisted

Just a quick post to let you know that while some of the great gifts from Prim and Pixel Paradise are no more, goodies still abound including a new one. I was so busy yesterday, I didn't have time to tell you much more than "go" (wink) and I hope you did. But newness comes often in our virtual land and this cute tank is free until Saturday at 2 pm. It comes with a variety of layers for mucho wearability. I actually didn't have a tank this color and so I am thrilled. Group members are receiving other colors I hear, so you might want to look into that.

This cute jammie set is also out for free still. I can think of lots of ways to wear it besides to bed. I bet you can too. Some past gifts are also out -- ones I have blogged and loved wearing. So, if you missed it all yesterday, you still have a chance to explore the new shop and gather some samples.
Jewelry by Prim and Pixel Paradise.