Le Look

I don't often do a Look of the Day post. I'm too busy checking out possible deals for you and me. But I so love the short boots I won in the Dark Eden chair today, I just needed to put something together to show off the boots. I suspect I'll find lots of other outfits eventually. This is just today's :D .
So, from the bottom up we have the Heartache Ankle Boots from Dark Eden, the socks from today's free Punkabilly outfit at hO wEAr, a Citybag with AO from Malt, the skirt and bra from the School Daze set (SLD prize at Ema's), a Schools Over jacket from Damien Fate (I thought I had lost that and have no idea where it came from but was happy to find it again - LOL), a Stone Pendant necklace from Pixeldolls, Kristin hair from Bewitched and Clover skin. WHEW!
These items have each been blogged before. Some are from this week -- others from long ago and far away in virutal times.

And here are the boots I am so jazzed about. They come with light or dark cuffs and a variety of metal textures. So there are actually EIGHT pairs of boots here.
One more time, you can get them amidst lots of other goodies -- some I have yet to blog -- at Dark Eden. Two chairs, ten minutes each. Bring friends. The boots are definitely my personal favorites and I almost missed them TPing off. So glad I saw that 'C' as I left and turned around - wink. And for you guys that would rather spend lindens than time, you can buy these in a variety of colors for $200. PREEEETY colors :D