Gardening in Style!

There are a few things I like more than gardening -- but not many. It's something about digging in the dirt, watching the colorful flowers emerge and eating your own just picked produce. And now, for those of us that like to garden in SL too, there is a fun new outfit out at the French Farm. Even better -- it's the dollarbie for the next week.
The great shoes shown here are just like the ones I wear to work in the garden in RL. How's that for realism? They are by Lestat and you can get them here. They are $200 and very cute. Ya just gotta have matching shoes! Well I do *wink*.

I added some old, well used and probably no longer available gloves of my own. They are from SF Design. The very cute sculpty head wrap comes with the set. I love the little flower applique on the back of the short vest.

Poses by [u:ka], Flowering and LAP.