MM Boards

Board #1
Two things are happening today for me. So many designers are being SO generous with those of us that blog that I am very touched. I know it is all "digital" and I know that it doesn't really cost them in many cases to give us some of their goods. Still, I think it is a very special thing for them to do.
So as we all play our small parts in the great fashion wheel of SL, I wanted to do a bit of above an beyond work this eve. I'll skip all the steps I did -- sure you don't care. The END result is that I have what I believe is a list of new and interesting Midnight Media boards that I found on my own. Yes, it WAS an adventure and yes, I don't necessarily want to repeat it - LOL. But adventures are like that. So, for my first (and possibly last) installment of new MM boards for you to take a look at I give you this list. I have of coursed mentioned boards before, these are ones that I went out and ferreted :D
I of course have no idea if the same items will be in tomorrow, but these seem like good boards to watch. Drop in now and then on your own.

Board #2

Board #3

Board #4

Board #5