Smart Shopping 'n Prizes

Once again Belle Belle has a fantastic new lucky board prize. It is JUST out and the watch is already on. There are two boards in the two neighboring stores, so four chances and lots of time on the boards to call in friends and let them win. Lucky me, I showed up just in time for an "O" to turn to a "C". Yeah. So I am one of the first with this lovely item.
Here is the info from the notecard:
Retreat for meditation, cuddling, kissing, or relaxing with your favorite person in this beautiful sphere with pretty particles and light effects.Belle Belle Fantasy (two boards here also).
If you're ready for a well deserved break in your long SL day, come and get one today!
The beautiful -- and color coordinating -- silks are from Analise.

My MM box from SD Wears showed up today. I heard there was an issue with the older boards not sending out after breaking. So nice that they regained their "memory" when they got rebooted. Yeah. This is a super cute outfit. I love purple so it gets extra stars from me. Check out the MM board at the shop. It changes from time to time and has been known to have some really great thing in there if you are up in the early morning SL hours. As I write this there are ten slots left. There is also a landmark giver to a satellite store with another board. Today or tomorrow looks like a good time to get this outfit. And of course if you love this, return and SHOP :D .

Viviane is a small shop with some good values. This tank set arrived via DSN this morning and I took a quick trip over to the shop to see what I could see. Prices seem to range from free (SLD Hunt cute tank) to $250 for the newest releases. Most items are in the middle of the road category -- things more than a few of us would wear in RL. But many have a quirkiness about them and that makes it a place you might want to check out. For the budget conscious I found some $1, $5 and $10 items and I wasn't looking all that hard.
The tank above has layers so that the dark teal addition can be left off if you choose. The pants are nicely textured with designs on both front and back and the pockets are where pockets should be -- always a plus. I added some bangles from Pretties by JB as an accent. A gals gotta have her jewelry.

TOWA has one of the new balloon dresses as a limited time dollarbie. Find it on the wall -- soon would be good. While not *my* style, it certainly could be yours. The colors are yummy for sure and they go very well with my Duh! teal clogs. Always nice to have matching shoes.
Other News:
Some of the vendors at the MALT sim have joined to put up a free and dollarbie cart which will change from time to time. From the notecard:
The talented creators at .: MALT :. Village have pulled together to offer you an ongoing Free Stuff Stand. Every item placed on this stand is exclusively provided for you to enjoy, and will be continuously changing freebies/dollarbies so make sure you check back regularly to see more stuff.
Hair by Tiny Bird. Poses by Pffiou and Torridwear.