!MPOSSIBLE has a few on the wall items marked down to dollarbies. I grabbed mine around midnight on Saturday and just went over to check and they are indeed still out. Since there is a large variety of nice things in the store, the looking is a pleasure too. You never know what you might find that you simply can't live without.
Both this cute dress and the shoes with diamonds were prizes late last eve. These items are also TRANSFER which means you can pass them along to a friend if they turn out not to be you. An extra plus -- aside from the cuteness factor -- about this dress is that the pants are on the underwear layer. Hence, you can wear this as a top under lowrider pants -- always a bonus in my book.
Shown with jewelry from Mooontan.

If you love long skirts and feeling regal, this is for you. And, if you are not into outfits quite so formal, simply lose the skirts and you have a fancy jumpsuit. Add a white open jacket and voila -- another fab look. This also comes in a blue version. See, I WAS looking at the vendors *wink*
So what are you waiting for? Let's go shopping.
Poses by LAP.
And guys, this on the wall hunt is for you too! Yippee. I found some items in the male section of the store, so head on over.