Rebel: hO

Well I don't need a piano to drop on me. You know the drill by now too (wink). The first thing I did when I got up this morning was get over to hO wEARr and see if there was another goodie out for the day. And there was and I had SO much fun with this.

I am not a "bad girl" in any sense of the world, but dressing up is fun. And I have to say I am immensely impressed with the depth of designs at hO wEAr. Let's face it, a lot of wonderful designers -- great designers -- often have the same styles over and over again. So it is so much fun to see what's up for the day and make it my own a bit.

The Rebel outfit comes complete with bar fight blood on the undershirt layer. I took that off after the photo shoot - LOL. But, if you are into blood, it is very nicely done. My favorite part of the outfit is the pants and belt. The fact that they go perfectly with my hard won Dark Eden Heartache boots is a big plus in my book. The belt has tons of details including a cigs box.

From my personal accessories folder I added my barcode necklace from Magika, some shades from VJ eyewear and a cigarette from FG Underground. My bad girl hair is from Biedermanns Q Hair.
Poses from LAP and ANA_mations.