The Wall :D

Not long ago a present from Cyanide arrived. Of the many gifts within the boxes, there were poses. A blogger can simply never have too many poses so of course I was thrilled. Along with that was a prim called Wallflower. Well of course curiosity got the better of me.
It's a pose wall! A very nicely textured greenish pose wall.
/me is doing happy dance.
So I zipped over to my st-u-dio (large megaprim skybox I built above Benicia's place) and got a couple of friends over. The wall only does one person - six pose choices. The others are poseballs. Wow! I have a real studio now and even more goodies I haven't unveiled yet.

Xia is wearing a new dollarbie from Cute Fashion. The belt and prim pieces come with it. It is made to work mostly with pants as the skirt and belt attach were many prim skirts would go. The prim parts are mod and it certainly is bright and cheery!

Divine is wearing an outfit from the Dare Designs lucky chairs. She seems to get some good ones for sure. Or maybe she just looks good in their designs :D.

I am wearing a cropped Jaana jacket and basic black jeans -- both from DCNY. The top is super cute and comes in a variety of colors including white and hot pink. I really love the textures on the jeans. They may become my favorites!
My shoes are the Zbooty style from M K Designs blogged a bit ago. And yes, they work GREAT with pants.
PS. Benicia informed me that she just won a Belle Belle Neko PRINCESS. So there is a boy and girl version. Hence, most likely the long lines this month at the lucky boards. We either want a boy or a girl or (greedily) both. So much fun. So she and Xia and Divine can all be moms together now - LOL.
I'll go with my calico cat.