RP Wardrobes

It is intricate and well done. There is a caveat though. There are lots of prims and if you don't want to move and edit, there is a shape included for a perfect fit. Oddly enough the face looked a lot like mine, but that is SOME body. Almost two of me and I'm no shrimp.

Since I felt uncomfortable in that shape and didn't want to edit prims all day to show you, I went for another option. I lost most of the prims and it is still a great outfit. I added my Dark Eden Heartache boots and one of those great GRAVES collars from yesterday.
Now I went back to Vendom and the board is only active on the weekends. So take note if this is your style. Who knows what might be on the board next week.

What do you wear to the end of the world? Trying to save said world? After said world collapsed? Well this outfit from Miamai might just be it. I was at the store yesterday looking for Mom's gifts and was intrigued by the items I saw. Then I spyed a SL Discovery poster. I'm not hunting those 573 or so stops, but if I am AT a place that I like with a poster, I do a bit of searching. Ya never know. So happily I found the magnifying glass. It is actually very easy to find (duh says she). This is a mixture of the gifts for gals and guys. I liked the men's pants and top better and then deleted one boot garter -- well you'll see if you pick them up.

I love the details. I am a sucker for accessories; you know that by now. AND it has a great monocle for better eyesight, spying -- who knows? It's P-R-E-T-T-Y!
Hair by Tiny Bird. Poses by Vain and LAP.
Love you, love your blog!
<3 Em