FrantastiFree News

CS Fandango has a great new gift bag out chocked full of wonderful things. The set includes two pair of shorts, bikini tops, tanks, flowers for hair wrist and ankles, extra jewelry, shoes -- and the list goes on. There is even a visor. The waist wrap is my favorite; now who would have guessed that? Find a huge poster before you enter the store and click it to get your pink bag. And if you missed that fantastic Tropical Breeze set last week, it is up on the Midnight board again and the number is getting close.
Hair by A&A Avril from the weekend. Pose by LAP.

Beanie has done a superb job of keeping us non Japanese speaking folk apprised of what's going on in her world. Today she posted about a great looking freebie store as well as some old man skin. I went over to have a look see and indeed there is a huge selection of items. I, of course went for the props first. Then I picked up a few things just to show you. You can venture over to -Milk Hall- Fair's Attic yourself and most likely find something you can't live without. A tip jar is over by the counter.
The dress, hair, bench and picnic basket are all from Milk Hall. I also picked up a couple of coffee trays, some textures, fencing (soon to be installed I hope) and other fun items. There is something for everyone here including furniture and buildings.

HiediHo is back from vacation and there is a new freebie out at the store until 8pm. I really love the pants with this. Not sure personally if I would wear the top without a jacket, but we all have our styles and this one might be tame for you *wink*. Join the group to get all the news before I get it to you.
Worn with my new boots from Ora Trei Designs. I'm sure you'll be seeing these often. Hair by Exxess (still $1 on vendors out in the open area). Pose by LAP.
ELISA - Poses For Friends is having a $1 closing sale. This is on everything from poses, to pose balls, to giant cupcakes with poses to flying umbrellas to a house. I was at the last closing sale a couple of months ago and so I had already purchased many of the items. Be sure and check upstairs though. I completely missed that last time. There weren't that many people in the sim and the server said full so be patient. I'm out of the loop on the mini sims and the rules but this might be part of that -- or who knows? I do have some new purse poses to use and that will be fun.
Through the Looking Glass hunt has started. You can find the vendor list here. The magnifying glasses are much like the SLD ones and some stores are in both so if you actually FINISHED the SLD hunt (gold stars for you) you need to find the other one. If not, you might get two prizes in one store. That works.
Fashion Mode Mall is opening officially at 6 - 9 pm with a party and many freebies provided by the merchants. This is a huge two story mall with tons of shops. If that works for you, then zip on over and explore.