Dial A for Murder

A-Bomb has a cute new schoolgirl set for you to check out. This isn't your typical steal a smoke in the bathroom chica style though, this is Miss Murder. It comes complete with lots of options and fourteen pieces in the set. Layers abound -- and you'll like the price. The green version is 25L through Sunday with the regular price being 150L!

The school uniform white shirt has been replaced with a more sophisticated -- and possibly more dangerous -- black version. What DOES this young one do during her lunch break? HMMM. There are plaid "seams" up the nylons which add a cute accent. There is a corset only layer with breasts exposed for the very naughty girl.

The clogs are from .:DUH!:. I'm wearing the magenta color from the Jewels set but the grape version went well too. Another day, a different mood and that would have been my choice. Hair is Edo in Salt and Pepper from Bryce Designs.
Poses by LAP.